• Question: did you struggle in biology? Why do you like it so much?

    Asked by anon-178530 to Samuel, Lucy, Kate, Jordan, Emma on 12 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Samuel Vennin

      Samuel Vennin answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      I did struggle a bit with Biology and I stopped studying it after the French A-levels. That was one of my main fears when I came to the UK and switched from Electrical Engineering to Biomedical Engineering. But Biomedical Engineering is such a broad field that I found ways to apply my Electrical Engineering skills. Biology is just a small part of what I do.
      I am also now writing articles for Physics World on Biology topics sometimes and I overall like how they help us understanding how our body work, especially to treat deadly diseases!

    • Photo: Jordan Moir

      Jordan Moir answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      I did struggle with some of the unusual aspects of Biology and also the non human stuff as it didn’t interest me as much such as plants but still interesting how they work. I liked biology cause it explained how stuff works and why it works that way I was really intrigued by the heart and eyes as these seem like simple structures on the outside but are extremely complex and super interesting how they work and are just something we take for granted every day in life.

    • Photo: Kate Kuyt

      Kate Kuyt answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      I was quite good at biology at school but I struggled with some parts I found hard. I think everyone is going to struggle sometimes, but it is ok to ask for help when that happens! Mostly I enjoyed biology so I was happy to work hard to the bits i struggled with to try and understand them.

    • Photo: Emma Wellham

      Emma Wellham answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      I enjoyed biology, and so worked harder at it, and was quite good at it. But I struggled with the plant and some of the animal side of it, because I didn’t find it as interesting as humans and how they worked. I love knowing how the human body works. We use it so much every day without having to think about it, but all the things that it can do are amazing!
