• Question: do you ever hurt yourself when you are creating something

    Asked by no-one caressssss to Lucy, Kate on 10 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Lucy Green

      Lucy Green answered on 10 Jun 2018:

      No, not so far!! When me or my students are in the lab we always have to make sure that we follow the instructions (the protocol) and wear things like a lab coat, goggles and gloves.

    • Photo: Kate Kuyt

      Kate Kuyt answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      Not when I have been at work, well not that i can remember. We have rules and ways to doing things to try and stop people hurting themselves.

      But I am clumsy and have hurt myself doing projects and creating things at home. The important thing about getting hurt while creating things is to look back and learn what you can do so it doesnt happen again!
